Ideal apparel for that perfect soma holiday. If you're repelled by the vacuous Lenina Crowne, cowardly Bernard Marx, mad old Mustapha Mond and the evil Arch-Community-Songster, but quite like what 'the savage' has to say, then this could be the tee for you!
When Huxley’s 'savage' discovers The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, he finds something far more powerful than the shallow distractions of Obstacle Golf and Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy: the truth. Our unlikely hero encounters emotions the dystopian world around him have long since suppressed: love, shame, ambition, and the full complexity of the human soul. This t-shirt pays tribute to his Shakespeare-induced journey of self-discovery.
Perfect for lovers of dystopian fiction, Shakespearean drama, and classic literature, this t-shirt is a must for those who believe that words have the power to awaken the soul.